Friday, 23 October 2015

Etisalat 0.0kobo Unlimited Free Browsing Using Psiphon Vpn

Today we discover a new Etisalat free browsing with 0.0kobo and 0.0mb, it work perfectly with psiphon vpn. This free browsing is very fast and unlimited; you don't need to subscribe for any Etisalat social pak any more. This is what am using right now and i decide to share it with all my reader now so that you can enjoy it the way i do. Now follow the steps below to start rocking now.


1. Make sure your Etisalat sim card has 0.0kobo 

2. Make sure your Etisalat sim card is not having any active social or chat pack or make sure the social pak has already expired because its won’t work for you if they are active. 

How to Set Etisalat 0.0kobo Unlimited Free Browsing with Psiphon Vpn 

=>On Mobile Settings 

Set your Access Point network settings as: 

IP proxy: 
PORT: 8080 

=>On Psiphon VPN 

Click HERE to Download the New version of Psiphon handler for android device 

Open your Psiphon vpn 

Under Proxy type select ‘‘real host'' 

Under Proxy server: OR use this only (To make it connect fast)

Then leave the others and save.


You will get a pop up message asking if you want to use psiphon browser only or Tunnel whole device. Make sure you choose tunnel whole device 

Then it will take you to the next screen, click on the option tab. 

Under region select USA server, and then click on more option.

Then click on more option. Under “proxy settings”’ check the “connect through an HTTP Proxy” box. 

Mark Use the following settings 

Host Address: 

Port: 8080

Save and Click Start and wait for atlest 5-10minutes

Note: it usually takes time to connect like 5mins to 10mins or less. So, you need to exercise patient before it shows connected. Once the psiphon connected hmmm you will feel the speed especially when streaming and downloading

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